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Our People

Developing the Skills of Our Workforce

Our workforce is the cornerstone of Rameda’s corporate success, and we place great emphasis on attracting, retaining and motivating the very best talent to support our business. We embrace a diverse workforce and inclusive culture, with the health, safety, professional development, work-life balance and equitable, respectful treatment of our employees.

Rameda is an employer of choice that offers ample opportunities for advancement within a dynamic organization. We believe in embracing our employees’ diverse expertise, fostering their innovation and rewarding their determination through training and education, employee engagement, and fair and comprehensive compensation. Furthermore, we encourage an open dialogue between employees and their management in order to ensure that our employees in all levels of the organization have a voice and are empowered to continue growing both personally and professionally within the Group.

Investing in Training

As a responsible manufacturer of pharmaceutical products, we believe in the consistent enrichment of our employees across all levels in matters related to the Group’s operations. Our people help deliver our purpose with their scientific and technical know-how, expertise in regulation, intellectual property and commercialization, marketing and merchandising, and other functions of the Group’s business which help drive growth.

In 2018, we launched the Rameda Learning and Development Academy (RLDA), an in-house teaching institution licensed by the Canadian Corporate Training Organization, a division of Global Courseware Inc. of New Glasgow. Through the RLDA, we provide comprehensive professional learning and development programs in both classroom and lab settings for our employees. We continue to monitor and improve these educational resources with an eye on both scientific and technical developments and the demand dynamics across our markets.

Rameda also offers training courses through third-parties for employees requiring more tailored solutions to their learning and development in areas such as finance, digital marketing, consumer behavior, HR management and environmental management.  These courses are provided primarily through LEADS Group, the Middle Eastern partner for the Centre for Management and Organization Effectiveness (CMOE).

Furthering Tolerance and Diversity

We are an equal opportunity employer, with the firm belief that the diversity of our colleagues, with their distinctive perspectives, experiences and life stories, is part of our strong and innovative corporate culture. Discrimination, harassment of any kind and retaliation are strictly prohibited. We educate new employees on our equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination policies and anti-harassment policies as part of their mandatory induction to the Group and periodically educate our existing employees on a continuing basis.

When it comes to finding new employees, we are conscious of gender issues and do our best to close the gender gap. Women currently make up more than 36% of our total workforce and almost half of our workforce growth. We will strive to further close the gap between the number of men and women that we employ, while encouraging our existing female employees to pursue growth within the Group to leadership positions; Currently 14% and 11% of our executive and board positions are filled by females, respectively.

* figures as of FY2019.

Flexible work schedules and part-time opportunities based on family needs

Maternal leave policy as per the Egyptian law

Effective career mapping for women to management and executive positions

Equal wages for equal work and experience irrespective of gender

On-site nursery (daycare) to support return to work from maternity leave

Women currently make up more than 36% of our total workforce and almost half of our workforce growth.